Li Gan


 Institute of Economics and Finance



Name: Li Gan

Title: Distinguished Professor

Office: Minzhi Room 411


Address: 86 West Yushan Road, Nanjing, China

Zip Code: 211815


Education Background 

Ph.D.,Economics,体育博彩 of California, Berkeley

M.A.,Statistics,体育博彩 of California, Berkeley

B.A.,Information Management ,Tsinghua 体育博彩



Works,Achievements of the application

1. Gan, Li, Zhchao Yin, Nan Jia, Shu Xu, Shuang Ma, and Lu Zheng (2013) “Data you need to know about China: Research Report of China Household Finance Survey.” Springer.

2. 甘犁、李运,中国农村家庭金融发展报告[M]. 成都:西南财经大学出版社,2014.

3. 甘犁、尹志超、谭继军,中国家庭金融调查报告2014[M]. 成都:西南财经大学出版社,2014.

4. 甘犁、尹志超、贾男、徐舒、马双,中国家庭金融调查报告2012[M]. 成都:西南财经大学出版社,2012.



1.Deng, Guoying, Li Gan, and Manuel A. Hernandez. “Do natural disasters cause an excessive fear of heights? Evidence from the Wenchuan earthquake.” Forthcoming, Journal of Urban Economics.

2.Gan, Li, and Qi Li. “Efficiency of Think and Thick Markets.” Forthcoming, Journal of Econometrics.

3.Huang, Feng, and Li Gan. “Impact of China’s Urban Employees Basic Medical Insurance on Health Care Expenditure and Health Outcomes.” Forthcoming, Health Economics.

4.Li, Feng and Li Gan. “The Effect of Replacing the Two-Exam System with One-Exam System in the College Entrance Exam in China.” Forthcoming, Singapore Economic Review.

5.Gan, Li, Gaoshen Ju, and Xi Zhu. “Estimation of Labor Supply and Exact Welfare Change under Flexible Preferences and Generalized Piecewise-Linear Budgets.” Forthcoming, Journal of Econometrics.

6.Zhang, Shuoxun, Li Gan, and Tarun Sabarwal, “Strategic and Non-Strategic: The Role of Financial Benefit in Bankruptcy.” Economic Inquiry, Volume 53, issue 2, April 2015: pp1004-1008.

7.Zhang, Jing, Li Gan, Colin Lixin Xu, and Yang Yao. “Health Shocks, Village Elections, and Long- Term Income: Evidence from Rural China.” NBER Working Paper #12686. Forthcoming, China Economic Review.

8.Gan, Li, and Dayong Zhang, “Economic and Financial Challenges and Issues in the Asia- Pacific Countries: Guest Editors’ Introduction.” Forthcoming, Emerging Market Finance and Trade.

9.Dong, Yan, Li Gan, and Yingning Wang. “Residential mobility, neighborhood effects, and education attainment of blacks and whites.” Econometric Review, Vol 34, Issues 6-10, 2015.

10.Gan, Li, Guan Gong, Michael Hurd, and Daniel McFadden. “Individual Subjective Survival Curves and Bequests.” NBER Working Paper Series #10789. Forthcoming, Journal of Econometrics.

11.Fullerton, Don, Li Gan, and Miwa Hattori. “A Model to Evaluate Vehicle Emission Incentive Policies in Japan.” Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Volume 17, Issue 1, January 2015: pp 79-108.

12.Gan, Li, Cheng Hsiao, and Shu Xu. “Model Specification Test with Correlated but Not- Cointegrated Non-Stationary Variables.” Journal of Econometrics, January, 2014: 80-85.

13.Feng, Ye, Don Fullerton, and Li Gan. “Vehicle Choices, Miles Driven, and Pollution Policies.” Journal of Regulatory Economics, May 2013

14.Gan, Li, Cheng Hsiao, and Shu Xu. “Model Specification Test with Correlated but Not-Cointegrated Non-Stationary Variables.” Journal of Econometrics, in press.

15.Gan, Li and Manuel A. Hernandez, “Making friends with your neighbors? Agglomeration and tacit collusion in the lodging industry.” Review of Economics and Statistics, July 2013, 95(3): 1002-1017

16.Gan, Li, and Wen-Yao Wang. “Partial Deposit Insurance and Moral Hazard in Banking System.” International Journal of Commerce and Management, Vol. 23, Iss: 1, pp 8-23

17.Gan, Li, Colin Lixin Xu, and Yang Yao. “Consumption Insurance and Local Elections: Evidence from Chinese Villages.” Economics of Transition, Volume 20, Issue 3, pages 521-547. July 2012.

18.Gan, Li, Jaeun Shin, and Qi Li. “Initial Wage, Human Capital, and Post-wage Differentials.” Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, Vol 51, Dec 2010, pages 23-42.

19.Jia, Nan, and Li Gan. “Heterogeneous Production Functions and Regional Disparity.” China Economic Review, Vol 21, September 2010, pages S12-S19.

20.Gan, Li, Zhichao Yin, and Wenbin Zang. “The Impact of Housing Reform on Durables Consumption in China.” China Economic Review, Vol 21, September 2010, pages S55-S64.

21.Gan, Li, Roberton Williams III, and Thomas Wiseman. “A Simple Model of Optimal Hate Crime Legislation.” Economic Inquiry, August, 2010. Best Paper of the Year (published in Economic Inquiry)

22.Ai, Chunrong, and Li Gan. “An Alternative Root-N Consistent Estimator for Panel Data Binary Choice Models.” Journal of Econometrics, Volume 157, Issue 1, July 2010: 93-100.

23.Gan, Li, Guan Gong, and Michael Hurd. “Net Intergenerational Transfers from an Increase in Social Security Benefits.” In Dimitri Papadimitriou, ed., Government Spending on the Elderly, Palgrave Publishing, 2007: 178-188.

24.Gan, Li, Dong Li, and Shunfeng Song. “Is the Zipf’s Law Spurious in Explaining City-Size Distribution?” Economics Letters 92 (2006): 256-262.

25.Gan, Li and Qinghua Zhang. “The Thick Market Effect of Local Unemployment Rate Fluctuations.” Journal of Econometrics 133(2006): 127-152.

26.Fullerton, Don, and Li Gan. “Cost Effective Policies to Reduce Vehicle Emissions.” American Economic Review, May, 2005: 300-304.

27.Chung, Jeff, and Li Gan. “Empirical Estimates of Effect of Price Limits on Limit-Hitting Days.” Econometrics Journal 8, (2005): 79-96.

28.Gan, Li, Michael Hurd, and Daniel McFadden. “Individual Subjective Survival Curves.” In David Wise, ed., Analyses in Economics of Aging. The 体育博彩 of Chicago Press, 2005: 377-411.

29.Fullerton, Don and Li Gan. “A Simulation-Based Welfare Loss Calculation for Labor Taxes with Piecewise-Linear Budgets.” Journal of Public Economics 88, (2004): 2339-59.

30.Gan, Li, and Victoria Vernon. “Testing the Barten Model of Economies of Scale in Household Consumption: Toward Resolving a Paradox of Deaton and Paxson.” Journal of Political Economy 111(6), (2003): 1361-77.

31.Chand, Harish, and Li Gan. “The Effect of Bracketing in Wealth Estimation.” Review of Income and Wealth 49(2), (June 2003): 273-87.

32.Gan, Li. “The Uncertain Fair-Wage Effort Hypothesis and Wage Secrecy.” Topics in Economic Analysis and Policy 2(1), (2002): 1-15.

33.Gan, Li, and Jiming Jiang. “A Test for Global Maximum.” Journal of American Statistical Association (JASA) 94(447), (September 1999): 847-54.

34.Skaperdas, Stergios, and Li Gan. “Risk Aversion in Contests.” The Economic Journal. 105(431), (July 1995): 951-62.

35.Hurd, Michael, Daniel McFadden, Harish Chand, Li Gan, Angela Merrill, and Michael Roberts. “Consumption and Saving Balances of the Elderly: Experimental Evidence on Survey Response Bias.” In David Wise, ed., Topics in the Economics of Aging, The 体育博彩 of Chicago Press, 1998: 353-87.

36.Hurd, Michael, Daniel McFadden, and Li Gan. “Subjective Survival Curves and Life Cycle Saving Behavior.” In David Wise, ed., Inquiries in the Economics of Aging. The 体育博彩 of Chicago Press, 1998: 259-305.



1.国家社会科学基金重大研究项目,14ZDB134, 中国家庭金融数据库建设及家庭金融行为研究, 2015/01-2019/12(主持人,在研)

2. 激励相容的银行存款保险定价机制的理论与实证研究,教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目,项目批准号:08JA790066(主持人)

3. 民间资本参与与我国风险投资业的发展:理论与实证,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号:70873056(排名第二)

4. 长三角科技自主创新与金融支持体系实证研究,科技部国家软科学项目,项目批准号:2007GXS3D084(排名第二)



Awards, and Honors

1. 甘梨(1/5),《体育博彩软件app下载》,教育部,第七届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学),三等奖,2015。

2. 甘梨(1/5),《体育博彩软件app下载》,刘诗白奖励基金评奖委员会,第二届刘诗白经济学奖,2014。

3. 甘梨(2/3),《体育博彩》,四川省教育厅,第十届四川省教育厅哲学社会科学科研成果,二等奖,2013。

4. 甘梨(2/3),《体育博彩》,刘诗白奖励基金评奖委员会,刘诗白奖励基金2012-2013年度优秀科研成果,2014。